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Fit Body Boot Camp does one thing, and we do it better than anyone else. We're about delivering personal trainer designed and lead fitness and fat loss workouts in a fun, safe, high intensity group training workout program. With hundreds of Fit Body Boot Camp locations worldwide, our mission is focused on our "2020 vision" which is to expose and engage 20 percent of the world's population to a healthy and fit lifestyle by the year 2020.


As an industry leading fitness brand we feel that we have a greater responsibility not only globally through our 2020 vision, but locally as well, to the clients in the communities that we serve and the neighborhoods we operate our fitness centers from. Which is why we believe in getting involved with our communities and contributing locally whenever possible. That's what being a good neighbor is all about. So when you step foot into a Fit Body Boot Camp location you can expect a clean, friendly, and fun high energy workout environment that's not only a place to get fit and healthy, but a place to make friends with others in your community.

Well hello there! My name is Brittany Skaar. My husband Wes and I are the owners of Pocatello Fit Body Boot Camp.  I guess you could say I am one of the lucky ones. I have practiced good nutrition for the greater part of my life and at least I was aware of what I was eating. However, I never gave much regard to the quantity of what I was eating. Ever. I was overweight for as long as I can remember. I paid the price for this ignorance. I can’t imagine what that price would have been if I wasn’t aware of nutrition and just ate whatever I wanted. I started my fitness journey late in life. Although I wish I would have discovered my love for fitness and nutrition two decades ago; today, it is my #1 priority. I haven’t been more excited about anything in my whole life than getting the opportunity to share FBBC with my community.

Five and half years ago, I tipped the scales at 310 pounds. I was devastated. How could I have been so careless, so irresponsible, and so oblivious?!?! I was wearing the biggest size of clothing available in the plus size sections, and that didn’t even sink in. Oh my, 310 POUNDS sure did! That was it… 310 did it. I hit rock bottom. I realized then how unhappy I was. I lied to myself constantly. I was out of control. Wes, my husband, (my boyfriend at the time) was so supportive, loving, and stood by me every step of the way. He never once made me feel fat; he always told me I was beautiful. I think back now, and it was him that was keeping me from going off the deep end.

January 2011 I joined a challenge called the “Weight Loss Convoy” at my place of employment. I weighed in at 307. It was a group weight loss program my company funded to promote health and wellness. This program was a great start. It was a large group of us. We were taught basic nutrition, weighed in every week, turned in our food journals, and had open discussions. This taught me to quit lying to myself, and be accountable… to me and everyone! By the time the program ended I lost 60 pounds. Afterwards, I continued on with what I learned. I joined my local gym, signed up for tons of classes, and more weight loss competitions. I continued to see success. Wes was now working out with me; we were a full time team. I finally met my weight loss goal of 130 pounds; I reached my target weight of 180 in September 2012 just in time for my 40th birthday and to get married! What a wonderful man, to see me as beautiful even when I wasn’t and to truly love me before my transformation. He is the real deal and saw the real me before I ever did. During this journey, I discovered a deep love and undying dedication for nutrition and fitness, in particular kettlebell training, boxing, and HIIT/Tabata/AMRAP/MRT/EMOM type training. I have maintained my weight for over three years, I struggle sometimes, and we all know it’s tough and very real. My love and dedication for exercising and the beauty behind nutrition are two essentials I hold on to very close.

I understand what it is like to be obese and everything that comes with it, from not being able to find clothes that fit for a particular event therefore missing that event altogether, overhearing the judgment that comes from onlookers where ever you may be, the snickering, giggling, finger pointing, not being able to ride your favorite ride at an amusement park, checking the weight limits on things to ensure they can securely hold you, having to buy two tickets to fly on an airplane, or to ask the flight attendant for an extension buckle because your seat belt doesn’t fit, to having to request a table and chairs at a restaurant because you know you can’t fit in a booth, the list goes on. NOT to mention what goes on systemically form being overweight and obese. In addition, I also understand what it it’s like to have to lose just 15-20 pounds and how frustrating it can be, (I was stuck there for a long time) as well as understanding the challenge behind maintaining your weight.

I believe I’m in a unique position, where I can personally relate to clients who are currently struggling with their weight. I’m not a psychology major by any means, but I think I may understand the psychology behind the battle of being overweight. I’m familiar with what kind of mind games are played, and the lies that you tell yourself over and over. Since my journey, I have been able to help others understand the importance of fitness and nutrition, including Wes, and have even been asked along the way for guidance to help others. I have found a true love for this kind of coaching and mentoring. I have been told by many that I am an inspiration and that in itself is very motiving to pursue this dream. There isn’t anything I’m more passionate about in life (except my husband and maybe dogs), than taking care of the body and guiding others on how to do it. I wanted to do more. I explored different options over the last couple of years of how take what I have learned, and continue to help others, but in a broader spectrum. I entertained starting an on-line company, starting my own weight loss program for others, even writing a book. Then I stumbled upon Fit Body Boot Camp on the internet, and it was exactly what I have been looking for! How perfect!! I couldn’t wait to show Wes! I knew then, this was what I needed to do. So, again, he stood by side, supported my decision and he’s been in this just as much as I have. I feel so blessed to have found this opportunity. I jumped right in, head first…and I can now do what I love, and as a bonus, I can bring my personal journey and experiences to assist others in my area, (Pocatello Fit Body Boot Camp), and help them reach their fitness and nutrition goals. It is also exciting to me to let my future clientele know that I understand them, “I get it”, I really do. Being able to directly relate, empathize and coach someone from personal experience is going to be an added benefit. And more importantly, I’m serious about their health and the time is now!

Let’s DO THIS!

Brittany Skaar

Brittany Skaar
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